-1 qErr - queue element not found during deletion -2 vTypErr - invalid queue element -3 corErr - core routine number out of range -4 unimpErr - unimplemented core routine -5 SlpTypeErr - invalid queue element -8 seNoDB - no debugger installed to handle debugger command -9 iTabPurgErr - from Color2Index/ITabMatch -10 noColMatch -11 qAllocErr - from MakeITable -12 tblAllocErr -13 overRun -14 noRoomErr -15 seOutOfRange - from SetEntry -16 seProtErr -17 i2CRangeErr -18 gdBadDev -19 reRangeErr -20 seInvRequest -21 seNoMemErr -17 controlErr - Driver can't respond to Control call -18 statusErr - Driver can't respond to Status call -19 readErr - Driver can't respond to Read call -20 writErr - Driver can't respond to Write call -21 badUnitErr - Driver ref num doesn't match unit table -22 unitEmptyErr - Driver ref num specifies NIL handle in unit table -23 openErr - Requested read/write permission doesn't match driver's open permission, or Attempt to open RAM SerD failed -24 closErr - Close failed -25 dRemovErr - tried to remove an open driver -26 dInstErr - DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resources -27 abortErr - IO call aborted by KillIO -27 iIOAbortErr - IO abort error (Printing Manager) -28 notOpenErr - Couldn't rd/wr/ctl/sts cause driver not opened -29 unitTblFullErr - unit table has no more entries -30 dceExtErr - dce extension error -33 dirFulErr - Directory full -34 dskFulErr - disk full -35 nsvErr - no such volume -36 ioErr - I/O error -37 bdNamErr - there may be no bad names in the final system! -38 fnOpnErr - File not open -39 eofErr - End of file -40 posErr - tried to position to before start of file (r/w) -41 mFulErr - memory full (open) or file won't fit (load) -42 tmfoErr - too many files open -43 fnfErr - File not found -44 wPrErr - diskette is write protected -45 fLckdErr - file is locked -46 vLckdErr - volume is locked -47 fBsyErr - File is busy (delete) -48 dupFNErr - duplicate filename (rename) -49 opWrErr - file already open with with write permission -50 paramErr - error in user parameter list -51 rfNumErr - refnum error -52 gfpErr - get file position error -53 volOffLinErr - volume not on line error (was Ejected) -54 permErr - permissions error (on file open) -55 volOnLinErr - drive volume already on-line at MountVol -56 nsDrvErr - no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num) -57 noMacDskErr - not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong) -58 extFSErr - volume in question belongs to an external fs -59 fsRnErr - file system internal error: during rename the old entry was deleted but could not be restored… -60 badMDBErr - bad master directory block -61 wrPermErr - write permissions error -64 fontDecError - error during font declaration -65 fontNotDeclared - font not declared -66 fontSubErr - font substitution occured -64 noDriveErr /lastDskErr - drive not installed -65 offLinErr - r/w requested for an off-line drive -66 noNybErr - couldn't find 5 nybbles in 200 tries -67 noAdrMkErr - couldn't find valid addr mark -68 dataVerErr - read verify compare failed -69 badCksmErr - addr mark checksum didn't check -70 badBtSlpErr - bad addr mark bit slip nibbles -71 noDtaMkErr - couldn't find a data mark header -72 badDCksum - bad data mark checksum -73 badDBtSlp - bad data mark bit slip nibbles -74 wrUnderrun - write underrun occurred -75 cantStepErr - step handshake failed -76 tk0BadErr - track 0 detect doesn't change -77 initIWMErr - unable to initialize IWM -78 twoSideErr - tried to read 2nd side on a 1-sided drive -79 spdAdjErr - unable to correctly adjust disk speed -80 seekErr - track number wrong on address mark -81 sectNFErr - sector number never found on a track -82 fmt1Err - can't find sector 0 after track format -83 fmt2Err - can't get enough sync -84 verErr - track failed to verify -84 firstDskErr -85 clkRdErr - unable to read same clock value twice -86 clkWrErr - time written did not verify -87 prWrErr - parameter ram written didn't read-verify -88 prInitErr - InitUtil found the parameter ram uninitialized -89 rcvrErr - SCC receiver error (framing, parity, OR) -90 breakRecd - Break received (SCC) -91 ddpSktErr - error in socket number -92 ddpLenErr - data length too big -93 noBridgeErr - no network bridge for non-local send -94 lapProtErr - error in attaching/detaching protocol -95 excessCollsns - excessive collisions on write -97 portInUse - driver Open error code (port is in use) -98 portNotCf - driver Open error code (parameter RAM not configured for this connection) -99 memROZErr / memROZWarn- hard/soft error in ROZ -100 noScrapErr - No scrap exists error -102 noTypeErr - No object of that type in scrap -108 memFullErr - Not enough room in heap zone -109 nilHandleErr - Handle was NIL in HandleZone or other -110 memAdrErr - address was odd, or out of range -111 memWZErr - WhichZone failed (applied to free block) -112 memPurErr - trying to purge a locked or non-purgeable block -113 memAZErr - Address in zone check failed -114 memPCErr - Pointer Check failed -115 memBCErr - Block Check failed -116 memSCErr - Size Check failed -117 memLockedErr - trying to move a locked block (MoveHHi) -120 dirNFErr - Directory not found -121 tmwdoErr - No free WDCB available -122 badMovErr - Move into offspring error -123 wrgVolTypErr - Wrong volume type error: not supported for MFS -124 volGoneErr - Server volume has been disconnected. -125 updPixMemErr - insufficient memory to update a pixmap -127 fsDSIntErr - Internal file system error -126 dsMBarNFnd - system error code for MBDF not found -127 dsHMenuFindErr - could not find HMenu's parent in MenuKey -128 userCanceledErr - user canceled the operation status -130 fidNotFound - no file thread exists -131 fidNotAFile - directory specified -132 fidExists - file id already exists -145 noMemForPictPlaybackErr -147 rgnTooBigError - Region accumulation failed, rgn may be currupt -148 pixMapTooBigErr - passed pixelmap is too large -149 nsStackErr - not enough stack space for the necessary buffers -150 cMatchErr - Color2Index failed to find an index -151 cTempMemErr - failed to allocate memory for temporary structures -152 cNoMemErr - failed to allocate memory for structure -153 cRangeErr - range error on colorTable request -154 cProtectErr - colorTable entry protection violation -155 cDevErr - invalid type of graphics device -156 cResErr - invalid resolution for MakeITable -157 cDepthErr - invalid pixel depth -158 cParmErr - invalid parameter -185 badExtResource - extended resource has a bad format. -186 CantDecompress - resource bent ("the bends") can't decompress a compressed resource -192 resNotFound - Resource not found -193 resFNotFound - Resource file not found -194 addResFailed - AddResource failed -195 addRefFailed - AddReference failed -196 rmvResFailed - RmveResource failed -197 rmvRefFailed - RmveReference failed -198 resAttrErr - attribute inconsistent with operation -199 mapReadErr - map inconsistent with operation -200 noHardware - No hardware support for the specified synthesizer -201 notEnoughHardware - No more channels for the specified synth -203 queueFull - No more room in queue -204 resProblem - Problem loading resource -205 badChannel - Invalid channel queue length -206 badFormat - Handle to 'snd ' resource was invalid -207 notEnoughBufferSpace - could not allocate enough memory -208 badFileFormat - was not type AIFF or was of bad format,corrupt -209 channelBusy - the Channel is being used for a PFD already -210 buffersTooSmall - can not operate in the memory allowed -211 channelNotBusy -212 noMoreRealTime - not enought CPU cycles left to add another task -220 siNoSoundInHardware -221 siBadSoundInDevice - invalid index, SoundInGetIndexedDevice -222 siNoBufferSpecified - nil buffer passed to synchronous SPBRecord -223 siInvalidCompression - invalid compression type -224 siHardDriveTooSlow - hard drive too slow to record to disk -225 siInvalidSampleRate - invalid sample rate -226 siInvalidSampleSize - invalid sample size -227 siDeviceBusyErr - input device already in use -228 siBadDeviceName - input device could not be opened -229 siBadRefNum - invalid input device reference number -230 siInputDeviceErr - input device hardware failure -231 siUnknownInfoType - driver returned invalid info type selector -232 siUnknownQuality - invalid quality selector returned by driver -250 midiNoClientErr - no client with that ID found -251 midiNoPortErr - no port with that ID found -252 midiTooManyPortsErr - too many ports already installed in system -253 midiTooManyConsErr - too many connections made -254 midiVConnectErr - pending virtual connection created -255 midiVConnectMade - pending virtual connection resolved -256 midiVConnectRmvd - pending virtual connection removed -257 midiNoConErr - no connection exists between specified ports -258 midiWriteErr - couldn't write to all connected ports -259 midiNameLenErr - name supplied is longer than 31 characters -260 midiDupIDErr - duplicate client ID -261 midiInvalidCmdErr - command not supported for port type -299 nmTypErr - Wrong queue type -290 smSDMInitErr - SDM could not be initialized -291 smSRTInitErr - Slot Resource Table could not be initialized -292 smPRAMInitErr - Slot Resource Table could not be initialized -293 smPriInitErr - Cards could not be initialized -300 smEmptySlot - No card in slot -301 smCRCFail - CRC check failed for declaration data -302 smFormatErr - FHeader Format is not Apple's -303 smRevisionErr - Wrong revison level -304 smNoDir - Directory offset is Nil -305 smDisabledSlot - This Slot is disabled -306 smNosInfoArray - No sInfoArray. Memory Mgr error -307 smResrvErr - Fatal reserved error. Reserved field <> 0 -308 smUnExBusErr - Unexpected BusError -309 smBLFieldBad - ByteLanes field was bad. -310 smFHBlockRdErr - Error occured during _sGetFHeader -311 smFHBlkDispErr - Error occured during _sDisposePtr (Dispose of FHeader block). -312 smDisposePErr - _DisposePointer error -313 smNoBoardsRsrc - No Board sResource -314 smGetPRErr - Error occured during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus) -315 smNoBoardId - No Board Id -316 smIntStatVErr - The InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init -317 smIntTblVErr - An error occured while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table -318 smNoJmpTbl - SDM jump table could not be created -319 smBadBoardId - BoardId was wrong, re-init the PRAM record -320 smBusErrTO - BusError time out -330 smBadRefId - Reference Id not found in List -331 smBadsList - Bad sList: Id1